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 Format: MS WORD ::   Chapters: 1 - 5 ::   Pages: 70 ::   Attributes: Questionnaire, Data Analysis, Abstract  ::   1,391 people found this useful

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Background of the Study

One of the most significant influences advancing education globally is information and communication technology (ICT). Several nations have made significant investments in information and communication technology over the past 20 years(Asiegbu et al., 2021). Although there has been inconsistent progress, using information and communication technology in education and training has been a top focus in Nigeria's education during the past ten years. Information and communication technology has significantly changed how education is organized, how lessons are taught, and how students learn (Asiegbu et al., 2021). In spite of this, organizations across the nation spend very differently on information and communication technology. Some schools have incorporated information and communication technology into their curriculum and utilize it to help teaching and learning in a variety of subject areas at high levels of effectiveness and appropriateness.However, some other schools are just beginning to implement information and communication technology, which is characterized by some developments in e-learning (information and communication technology-enabled learning) and significant improvements to the learning process but no substantive advancements in teaching or learning(Anderson et al., 2003). The practical influence of new technologies on educational outputs and outcomes is one perplexing issue.

Information and communication technology can be summed up as computer-based information collection and utilization tools and methods. It includes all of the devices (video, audio, cameras, etc.) that can transform data, images, and sound into a common digital format, as well as the network, hardware, and software supporting those systems.Information and communication technology (ICT) is an eclectic application of computing, communication, telecommunication, and satellite technology. It encompasses electronic information processing technologies like computer and internet, as well as fixed-line telephony networks (Alaba, 2011). Digital technology-based information access can foster creativity, boost output, and improve people's quality of life. The subject of research of information and communication technology in education is vast, in-depth, and expanding quickly (Fried, 2008). Information and communication technology makes use of a wide range of technologies for the collection, archiving, editing, retrieval, and transmission of information in various forms.

            The importance of information and communication technology has grown in all spheres of human endeavor. It is used all throughout the world to turn ideas into attainable objectives and then to develop those goals into tangible accomplishments. Agriculture, engineering, medicine, law, architecture, aviation, business, insurance, banking, and finance, as well as maritime activities, all benefit greatly from information and communication technology. The potential for information and communication technology to significantly improve the educational system is enormous (Fried, 2008). Despite the fact that information and communication technologies have had a substantial impact on the traditional educational system, only a small portion of this potential has been realized to date. They have promoted improvements in learning theory and innovation for teaching and learning, leading to a reevaluation of the organization of education(Siraj-Blatchford & Siraj-Blatchford, 2003).

            The pupils' performance or learning results serve as a crude gauge of the quality of education. The amount to which students have fulfilled their educational objectives is indicated by their learning result, often known as academic achievement (Asiegbu, 2015).It is frequently assessed through exams or ongoing evaluation, but there is no consensus on the optimal testing method or the most crucial elements. The term "learning outcome" describes what a student has learned in relation to certain competencies, tests, performance evaluations, and portfolio evaluations (Smith et al, 2009). The use of information and communication technology to enhance the standard of instruction and learning within the educational system is also generally recognised (Clarke, 2006). Information and communication technology is widely used and is rapidly developing, ushering in the knowledge era (Caron, 2004). In actuality, information and communication technology is assimilating into daily life for people. Its usage in education is therefore becoming essential. Additionally, the rate of advancement toward using information and communication technology effectively in education is currently outpacing the rate of development in the field of ICT.There is a lot of transformation through information and communication technology. Information and communication technology has a significant impact on change. The need to invest in education and skills generally, with a special focus on information and communication technology skills and research development, is underscored by the widespread understanding of the significance of intellectual input in creating value. Information and communication technology has altered the nature of modern research, necessitating the connection of research organizations through sophisticated networks that are interconnected with the rest of the world.

            Information and communication technology offers tools and services to support public services, academic research, and education. In addition to advancing university missions, information and communication technology also facilitates the creation and application of the rules and procedures required to guarantee the appropriate, secure, and effective use of university information resources and services. Numerous services, such as distance learning programs, printing, cell phone plans, internet access, tree dial-up, technological equipment rentals in classrooms, media stations, etc., are made available to students through information and communication technology.Through the Internet, lecturers and students can access pertinent resources. In order to equip students and advance their knowledge in their fields of study, such high-quality resources are used.

According to Fried (2008), information and communication technology offers some highly effective tools for turning theory into reality. Computer-assisted learning and distant learning are two of these tools. These days, Internet-connected PCs are a staple in most homes. In addition to games that aren't intended to be educational, students frequently have access to communication tools and reference materials like e-mail, the web, encyclopedias, books, and other books and reference materials. They also frequently have access to tools like word processors, graphics software, etc.The use of cellular phones, home computers, video tape recorders, CD players, and television has become commonplace. The amount of time kids spend using information and communication technology facilities depends on the environment in which they are raised. One technology that is a potent change agent is information and communication technology. There is no doubt that part of the power of reading, writing, and math is extended and integrated into information and communication technologies.It makes it easier to automate numerous brain processes. Information and communication technology has established itself as a useful tool for problem-solving and job completion in a variety of human endeavors, including education, business, industry, and science. According to Kuznekoff&Titsworth (2013), additional ways that information and communication technology can be employed in education include: The teacher could ask his or her students to use information and communication technologies in support of traditional classroom assignments. assisting in the creation of educational materials. You may obtain a lot of information from the Internet.However, these materials must be modified to meet the unique educational goals. accessing electronic books and periodicals as well as other educational resources. Information and communication technologies can be used to access, store, and evaluate these. Accessing an online library "stocks" journals of books in electronic form. Providing or granting access to the world's resources, particularly those available online.playing a crucial part in the management of education. Information and communication technology makes it simple to manage student data, personnel administration, supply purchases, advertising, and other tasks. promoting autonomous study and one-on-one coaching, particularly for the open distance-learning program.Enhancing the vividness and interest of learning. helping the teacher with testing and evaluation. bringing about a long-lasting fix for brain-drain issues given that we now live in a global village. Nevertheless, despite the benefits of ICT in education, there are some unfavorable effects that ICT has on students. It is based on this background that the present study seeks to examine the negative influence of Information Communication Technology (ICT) on child Education in Secondary School in Kwara State.

  1. Statement of Problem

Despite the benefits or positives, a number of studies have found that the use of ICT can have a negative impact on children's education (Mobi et al., 2015; Hatzigianni& Margetts, 2012;Selmi& Gallagher, 2014). This includes digital distraction, an overabundance of information that can be overwhelming for children, and a focus on aesthetics at the expense of the main subject matter, among other things. These days, youngsters are more and more affected by the issue of computers and information and communication technology.Numerous children spend a lot of time playing video games, whether they be multiplayer, role-playing, action, or pet-caring games, thanks to the proliferation of online gaming sites and apps. A growing number of kids are spending hours playing computer games in front of the computer due to the popularity of internet and PC gaming. Overuse can reduce the amount of time spent reading, doing homework, and engaging in other academic pursuits.

Information and communication technology typically gives the user more information than they require at any given time, which is another problem. While toddlers may find it difficult to browse through these vast information databases, adults may do it with ease, choosing what they need and tossing the rest.They may find the material offered to be overwhelming, which will prevent them from learning anything new. Additionally, the information and communication technologies utilized in education place a greater emphasis on graphics. Although this is a desirable thing, it can prevent kids from developing the necessary theoretical groundwork for grasping certain topics, which can be bad for a children's education. This study is therefore aimed at examining the negative influence of Information and communication technology on child education in Secondary School in Kwara State.

1.3 Objectives of the Study

            The main objective of this study is to examine the negative influence of Information and communication technology on child education in Secondary School in Kwara State. Specific of the study include;

  1. To determine how computer addiction, affect child education in Kwara State.
  2. To evaluate how information overload influence child education in Kwara State.
  3. To assess the influence of excessive emphasis on visuals on child education in Kwara State.
  4. To develop measures for checkmating the negative influence of Information and communication technology on child education in Kwara State

Research Questions

The following questions were derived to give direction to the present study;

  1. How does computer addiction influence child education in Kwara State?
  2. How does information overload affect child education in Kwara State?
  3. To what extent does excessive emphasis on visual affect child education in Kwara State?
  4. What measures can be developed for checkmating the negative influence of Information and communication technology on child education in Kwara State?

Research Hypotheses

The following were hypothesized;

Hypothesis 1

H0:There is no significant negative influence of information and communication Technology on the academic performance of students in Kwara State

H1: There is no significant negative influence of information and communication Technology on the academic performance of students in Kwara State

Hypothesis 2

H0: There is no significant relationship between negative influence of information and communication Technology and the academic performance of students in Kwara State

H1: There is no significant relationship between negative influence of information and communication Technology and the academic performance of students in Kwara State

  1. Scope of the Study

There are more than 50 secondary schools in Kwara State, however for the purpose of this study, just five of those under Kwara Local Government were focused on. Since the study is about ICT, it only included students and teachers who have used ICT in the five schools that were chosen.Ilorin South local government was chosen as the study's focus because it has a sufficient number of schools to provide a representative sample from which conclusions may be drawn. ICT capacity for schools varies greatly from one school to another, so making comparisons between the five selected schools may have some mistakes due to variations in infrastructure availability.

The study primarily focused on the negative impact of ICT on students' performance in secondary schools. It may be very challenging to clearly understand the impact of ICT on students' performance because there may be other factors at play, particularly in schools in Kwara State. Principals, teachers, and students were the key participants in the study; parents and other education stakeholders from the five schools did not take part because it took a lot of time and money

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 Format: MS WORD ::   Chapters: 1 - 5 ::   Pages: 70 ::   Attributes: Questionnaire, Data Analysis, Abstract

CHAPTER ONE INTRODUCTION Background of the Study One of the most significant influences advancing education globally is information and communication technology (ICT). Several nations have made sign...Continue reading »


 Format: MS WORD ::   Chapters: 1 - 5 ::   Pages: 65 ::   Attributes: Questionnaire, Data Analysis, Abstract  ::   318 engagements

CHAPTER ONE Introduction 1.1 Background of the Study One of the key demands of educators, students, and other stakeholders in education is academic accomplishment. Academic performance is determine...Continue reading »


 Format: MS WORD ::   Chapters: 1 - 5 ::   Pages: 70 ::   Attributes: Questionnaire, Data Analysis, Abstract  ::   332 engagements

CHAPTER ONE INTRODUCTION Background of the Study One of the major obstacles preventing women's advancement has been identified over time as having insufficient access to education. This happens ...Continue reading »


 Format: MS WORD ::   Chapters: 1 - 5 ::   Pages: 70 ::   Attributes: Questionnaire, Data Analysis, Abstract  ::   1709 engagements

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 Format: MS WORD ::   Chapters: 1 - 5 ::   Pages: 79 ::   Attributes: Questionnaire, Data Analysis, Abstract  ::   294 engagements

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